Monday, November 30, 2009

Game of the Day: 

- Describe your experience playing the game. Did you find it difficult to figure out what to do?
- What were the most enjoyable and frustrating parts of the game?
- What type of game would you classify this as (what genre[s]), and Why?

All the rooms are looking good and we can finally start animating the objects in our room. We need to make sure we give ourselves room at the beginning of the time line so we can have enough time to run the camera up to all of the objects. Most of you will have about 300 frames of animation; please make sure you have enough space in your time line for all your frames. If you need to add frames,
type the number you desire in the bottom-left hand corner of the time line.  Also, make sure you only animate one object at a time; if you have multiple animations going off at one time, the camera will not be able to pick up all of the moving objects.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Game Of The Day:

- Describe your expirience playing the game. Was it challenging?
- Did you use a certain strategy to pass the harder levels? If so, please describe it.
- What other puzzle games may this game have been inspired by? Please elaborate.

Monday, November 9, 2009

No Game For Today.

I'm seeing great things from all of you; I'm excited about how these rooms are coming together.There is one last Nurb that I want to teach you that might help with some of the assets in your room. I'm seeing a lot of you add curtains and various other fabrics to your space; using Bezier Nurbs will help you really create geometry that will look and act like cloth. First, we must put down a bezier nurb; unlike all the other Nurbs, Bezier Nurbs doesn't require us to parent them to anything, all we do is drop down the bezier nurb and get to work. First you want to make the Bezir contain enough segments appropriate for your specific needs. Then you need to select rows/columns of points to simulate wrinkles in your fabric. After that, all you need to do is pull the points on their axis and you will see the wrinkles form before you. Right click and get the brush tool for fine-tuning a more realistic, controlled look.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Game of the Day:

- Describe your experience playing the game. Was it difficult to figure out?
- Have you played any other games similar to this one before? If so, describe them.
- If you could, how would you improve this game?

Our rooms are looking good. Some of them are starting to really come together and it shows how much you all have learned about 3D; and soon, we will be on our way to implementing this geometry into our games. I want to start out by making sure we use our lights to add dimension and shadows to our scenery. Make sure that when you add light, you turn on "shadows" under the light's attributes in order to create realistic lighting effects. Also, I am seeing a lot of unorganized files; please makes sure you connect all your geometry and label it properly, and keep all items parented to the main object.Lets continue making assets and realize our future in 3D.

Artwork by Rosie Byers, Kristine Nodalo and Anais Garcia: