Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unity 101 (Part 2)

Last class ,we learned how to manipulate and move through our terrain. Today i would like to go a step further by adding a sky, trees and water.

All items that are associated with terrain are under "terrain" in the top menu.

To add a sky, go to"edit" > "render settings," you should then see a section called "skybox."

Adding trees is also simple; go to the attributes of the terrain, and the tree button should be pressed as you select your desired tree. Place trees down by clicking on the scene.

Water is equally as easy; you will find water in your "pro standard assets," so just drag and drop the water, but you must change the size in the inspector.

Currently, our scenes are very dark; with out adding "directional" light, we cant see anything,
so go to "game object" > "create other" > "directional light," and move the light to obtain your desired look, then make sure you burn the light map by going to "terrain" > "create light map."

Last thing we learned was how to reverse our normals in order for our models to be inserted into Unity properly. Remember to make a copy of your object first, and then reverse its normals by making it editable on planes, and right-clicking to select "reverse normals."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Unity 101

Last class we started to learn unity. Today I want to go over what we learned.

In the top left corner, you will see everything you need for navagating through Unity. You have Object move, Scene move, rotate, reduce and enlarge.

You can also adjust the view by hitting the axis the the top right.

We also learned to get a terrain into our scene: from the top menu select "terrain" > "add terrain." As you can see, its attributes are on the right; these can be changed to manipulate your terrain.
Inserted objects were also something interesting we learned. Go to 'Insert object', then select 'cube'. Try placing the cube down onto your terrain using its axis.

First person: We grabbed this first person perspective camera and inserted that into our game from the menu below.
Press play above your scene and move your camera around using the keys.

We will go over all of this again for todays class; and remember, if you want to find an object in your game, simply click on the object in the manager, and press "f".

Monday, January 11, 2010

Congratulations on a successful mid-term!

You all had wonderful videos-This hard work shows that you all are ready to start building your game and now going beyond just 3-D.
here is some of your hard work: